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  Task 1 - Create your Web Page content Create a file and save it as  tutorial1.html . Your Web Page should follow the following specifications. Ensure you include all the HTM tags on every web page must have: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"></html> <head></head <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <body></body> 'Tutorial 1' for the title. 'Tutorial 1 (your name)' using a <h1> heading element. A quick presentation of yourself (5 lines - e.g., your course, hobbies, etc) using 2 different formatting tags. Use paragraph elements to separate these lines. A ruler acting as a separator. Under the ruler: Your email address inside an address element The last modified date (just add today’s date). View your web page in a browser. Find your file - double-clicking this file or dragging it into a web browser should open

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence

  Introduction of Artificial Intelligence….   Artificial intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a robot, or a product. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is a study of how the human brain thinks, learns, decides, and works, when it tries to solve problems. And finally, this study outputs intelligent software systems .  The aim of artificial intelligence is to improve computer functions that are related to human knowledge, for example, reasoning, learning, and problem-solving. The objectives of artificial intelligence research are reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, realization, and the ability to move and manipulate objects. There are long-term goals in the general intelligence sector. Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Gaming. Natural language processing. Expert Systems. Vision Systems. Speech recognition. Handwriting recognition. Intelligent robots.   Major Goals Knowledge reasoning.